Berry N'Ice - 50 Large 50ml
Berry N'Ice shortfill e-liquid by 50 Large is a simple yet balanced flavour combining fruit and menthol, blended to be an all day vape. The fusion of dark and red berries adds a sweet and juicy taste, countered by an icy note on exhale.
Berry N'Ice is a 70% VG e-liquid, recommended for use with sub ohm kits and tanks, as well as rebuildable atomisers. Each pack of 50 Large contains everything you'll need to easily create 60ml of 3mg e-liquid.
This 50 Large e-liquid is available as a 0mg 50ml shortfill. Each underfilled bottle has enough room for the 10ml, 18mg Top Shot nicotine booster that's included. Adding the shot will create 60ml of 3mg e-liquid.
50 Large e-liquids are created by Large Juice, mixed and bottled in the UK in an ISO 7 Cleanroom. This diverse range features fruit, dessert, menthol, custard and tobacco blends.
- 50ml Of E-liquid In A 60ml Shortfill Bottle
- 0mg Nicotine Strength
- Comes With A 10ml, 18mg Nicotine Booster Shot
- 70% VG / 30% PG
- Designed For Sub Ohm Vaping
- Made In The UK
- Mixed and Bottled In An ISO 7 Cleanroom
- Childproof Cap
- Tamper Evident Seal
- Recyclable Bottle