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KELPIE RTA BY Ehpro & Vaping with Vic

KELPIE RTA BY Ehpro & Vaping with Vic


Naturevape are proud to announce the much-awaited Kelpie single coil RTA designed by Vaping With Vic and manufactured by Ehpro.

The Scottish mythical Kelpie is a water horse designed to lure folk in to the water, we believe the Kelpie RTA will lure vapers for flavour, ease of build and convenient juice fill on the go.

Starting from the top, the Kelpie has an 810 drip tip which inserts into the sliding top cap enabling the Kelpie to be filled with ease. Working our way down, the beautifully domed chamber positioned closely to the coil itself will bring the flavour in abundance. The coil is housed in a 30 hole perforated curve which will accept coils wrapped in either direction, there are rebates under the locating screws for accurate coil placement. The airflow is provided by two 13mm adjustable slits from the base which engulf the coil smoothly through the perforations surrounding the coil. The Kelpie is a single coil flavour machine with horsepower to excite your taste buds

Top fill design
Single Coil
30 hole perforated airflow
Excellent flavour

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